Sunday, January 1, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

It's that time of year again, folks. The time to poignantly reflect on the previous year's triumphs and short comings. The time to revel in your successes of the past 365 days and set the bar for how you would like your next 365 (or in this case- 366 since it's a leap year). This past year was one of many personal successes and firsts for me and my family.

Highlights of 2011:
~ Finally chasing the dream! I have made the leap from the familiarity of filling endless spiral notebooks into the unfamiliar world of self-publishing. Simply stated- I love it! The fact that people have actually read, and even kindly reviewed this writing, is an unexpected (but most welcome) bonus.
~ Holy cow! Someone wanted to interview me!! Yes folks, you can check it out here:  Many thanks to for featuring me, and for being so great to work with!  You can follow them on Twitter: @writingtips101
~ My eldest baby started the sixth grade this past fall. God help us all- it's middle school already. We have officially entered "the land of in between". I recall middle school as a confusing time of being completely unsure of everything except the fact the absolutely NO ONE knew exactly how hard it was to be me. All of this, coupled with the fact that I have already been informed that apparently I am ruining my daughter's life, in her eyes, with my "lame rules", leads me to implore you- dear reader- to please say a little prayer that we make it out alive.
~ My youngest baby turned one year old this past Halloween! Yes, he was both a trick (as in 5 weeks early) and a treat (this should be self explanatory as he is super frickin cute and cuddly).
~ KateHRuns too! 2011 is the year that I not only started running (no, not from someone or something) for recreation, but I also completed my first 10k race. I have always had a huge respect for runners, so I view this as a huge accomplishment.
~ I have learned that there truly are people in your life that WILL stick by you through thick and thin. To these people- I think you know who you are- your kindness is eternally appreciated! I literally can not put into words how much you mean to me. Thank you.

Now, here's the part that everyone loves . . . the resolutions. This year I will not make resolutions. I will make goals. I feel that the term "resolution" automatically connotates that there is a problem with something. As in, you resolve to fix it. Ergo, making resolutions for myself would be stating that there is a problem, or a malfunction of sorts, with me. Since my first, and most important, goal is to try and love myself a bit more- flaws and all- I think that setting goals for 2012 is much more fitting than making resolutions. So,with no further ado:

GOALS for 2012:
~Love thyself more- flaws and all. I am 32 years old and have spent over half of my lifetime in a constant state of self-loathing. This year, I am going to take a vacation from my harshest critic . . . myself!
~Write for at least 30 minutes each day, even if it's from "bottom bunk central". This is my affectionate term for my usual perch in my sons' room. Since they share one large room, and a 5 year old and 14 month old can be an interesting mix, I plant myself firmly in the middle of the room to have the optimal vantage point of the entire lay of the land--- the bottom bunk bed. Back to my point though. It truly is amazing what you can churn out in just 30 minutes a day of writing. I'm not saying I would expect to finish my first novel-in-progress this way, but in 30 minutes I can get some great ideas on paper for upcoming short stories and poems. It boils down to this: do not wait until that ever elusive "mood" to write strikes.  This leads me to my next goal.
~Read less how to write on writing, and do more actual WRITING!! How to material is fantastic, and absolutely has merit. BUT. . . come one girl- if you only have 2 hours until the baby wakes up from his nap and you spend an hour and 45 minutes reading  how to- you will never get those revisions done in time!
~ In all of my relationships stop insisting upon having the last word every.single.time. on absolutely every.single.thing. Kate- please put on your listening ears, now- walking away does not mean that you "lost" the argument (ahem, discussion), nor does it make you less of a person. It does, however, mean that you have less drama surrounding you at every turn = WIN!!!!!
~ Short and sweet- stop second guessing yourself. No one likes a non-committal wussy!
~ Take compliments when you are lucky enough to have them given to you! It is okay, I promise.

Alright, that pretty much rounds out the list for 2012 thus far. Well, all of this plus the usual: have a spotless house, continue to be SuperMom and SuperWife, lose a gazillion pounds, and cure some sort of horrific CDC worthy plague that is afflicting mankind. No pressure, right? Tongue is firmly planted in cheek, btw ;-)

Happy New Year!

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